Play the Macmillan Lottery

Enter in three simple steps

Play today for a chance to win £1,000, whilst making a big difference to people living with cancer.

To enter you must be aged 18 or over and live in Great Britain.


Choose your number of weekly entries

What the money can do

  • £52 a year could pay for a Macmillan Nurse for 1.5 hours, helping people living with cancer and their families receive essential medical, practical and emotional support.

  • £104 a year could pay for a Macmillan Nurse for 3 hours, helping people living with cancer and their families receive essential medical, practical and emotional support.

Total per month: £8.68 by Direct Debit Why £8.68 Two entries a week will give you 104 entries over a year, costing £104 in total. As we take this in 12 monthly instalments, this works out at £8.68 each month

Billing details

I'll enter it manually
Referrer details

Please complete the details of the player who referred you to the Macmillan Lottery so we can send them their £5 M&S voucher. Please include their Lottery Number and / or postcode.

Staying in touch

We’ll (Macmillan Cancer Support) use your details to fulfil your request. We may contact you again by post and phone to tell you more about our services and other ways you can support.
Let us know if you're happy to hear from us by:

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Our privacy policy explains how we keep your data safe. If you don't want to hear from us or you change your mind about how we contact you, email or call 0300 1000 200.


*Macmillan’s wholly-owned subsidiary companies, registered in England and Wales are: Macmillan Cancer Support Trading Limited (no. 02779446) whose registered office at 89 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7UQ.